Come discover the vampires and ghosts of mysterious Transylvania in one of the world’s most romantic settings complete with medieval castles, ancient cities, creepy monasteries with cemeteries, world class cuisine, and rich, colorful traditions.

The tour includes a visit to the famous Bran Castle; the source of inspiration for Bram Stoker’s famous vampire novel “Dracula.” The actual Dracula – Vlad the Impaler was a resident of this castle in the 1400s. He was one of its most infamous prisoners where he was tortured gruesomely. Bran Castle is not only creepy, but said to be haunted by Dracula’s spirit. The local legends about vampires in the area – even nowadays – abound.

Our guests also visit the REAL Dracula Castle that he not only built, but actually resided during his reign. The setting is perfect – perched on top of a steep cliff, and often surrounded by clouds and mist, overlooking breathtaking mountains and deep green valleys. This is quite a treat – because it’s so off the beaten path. HAUNTED HISTORY TOURS will take you to this hidden gem that most other tourists miss entirely.

Included in the tour are breakfasts and dinners every day that we are in Transylvania, in carefully-selected, top-rated restaurants – offering an array of traditional Tranyslvanian cuisine, but also modern international cuisine.

Come over to romantic, mysterious, creepy, haunted, vampiric Transylvania, for the WOW experience of your lifetime.

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